Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Waste Audit

Class Room Trash
Students from the other CM
MA class were in charge of doing this activity. Their task was to go around the school and collect the trash from the classes. There was a lot of trash and students did a good job collecting lots of trash.

Weighing The Bag
Students after weighed the bag of trash that they collected. All the garbage together about 5 to 8 pounds.

Dumping Trash On The Tarp
After weighing the trash, the students dumped the whole bag of garbage onto the tarp.

Sorting The Trash
After dumping the trash onto the tarp it had to be sorted. The trash had to be sorted into different piles for the different types of trash. Seperate piles for bottles,paper,and food.

Weighing The Piles
The piles all together including paper,food,bottles, and other types of trash weighed all about 8 pounds. Paper was about 50% of the trash,food about 20%,about 20% bottles, and about 10% of other trash.

Classrooms can reduce consumption and disposal of materials more by putting recycling bins for every type of material in all the hallways and around the campus. Also putting recyling boxes in all the classrooms. Most of the materials can be applied to the 4R's. All the paper can be recycled. The food scraps can be decomposed. Bottles can also be recycled. Classrooms should focus more on diverting paper and bottles.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Litter Survey

On April 24, students went out and observed the litter and took pictures before lunch. The areas were the quad,grass knoll,administration wing,and e-hall. The amount of litter before lunch was much more less. There were posters and paper just blown of the walls by the wind. A little bit of food wrappers around the quad.

After lunch students did the same thing. The amount of litter increased a lot after lunch. Their were things like bottles, wrappers, paper, bowls all over these areas of the campus.The places mostly littered were walkways from the cafeteria the the places students go and eat.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tennyson SLWRPing

Who wants to SLWRP with Tennyson?

Tennyson students and teachers are going to start recycling and practicing the 4R's. Reduce,Reuse,Recycle,and Rot. SLWRP is the name of our program which stands for Service Learning Waste Reduction Program. The purpose of SLWRP is to raise awareness to the Tennyson Community about waste reduction and motivate the community o recycle.